
Brockhampton staff carry out a variety of roles to ensure the safe, smooth and successful running of the school on a daily basis. Every member of staff is vital in creating the best possible environment for our children and every member of staff is committed to achieving this. We are a team, we love our school, and we are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our children and their families.

The activities of the school are overseen by our Governing Body. Further information on our Governors can be found here.

The Headteacher oversees the work of all staff in school in conjunction with the Senior Leadership Team. Staffing is organised with clear lines of accountability at all levels. Further information on the school’s staffing structure can be found by clicking on the button below.


Mr Mander


Mrs Mansell

EYFS Phase Leader

Reception Class Teacher 

Mrs Jones

Year 2, 3 & 4 Phase Leader

MAT Leave

Miss Hodgkiss

Year 5 & 6 Phase Leader

Year 3 Class Teacher 

Miss Taylor

Year 5 & SENCO

Mrs Cartwright

Nursery Lead

Miss Jakeman

Year 2 Class Teacher

Miss Thornley

Year 6 Class Teacher

Miss Clarke

Year 1 Class Teacher

Mr McLaren

Year 4 Class Teacher

Miss George

Class Teacher (Y3 Wed, Y5 Thur & R Fri)

Mrs Disley

Nursery TA & Outdoor Learning

Mrs Loris

Reception & Outdoor Learning

Miss Leather

Reception TA

Mrs Jones

Year 1 TA

Mrs Edwards

Reception TA

Mrs Welch

Year 3 TA

Mrs Gregory-Norton

Year 6 TA

Mrs Heard

Year 5 TA

Mrs Smith

Year 6 TA

Mrs Stubbs

Year 4 TA

Mrs Walker

Nursery TA

Mrs Saint


Mrs Cooper


Mrs John


Mrs Howfield

Business Manager

Mrs Inkersole


Ms Hammond


Ms Bond
