Welcome to Year Six. Our class teacher is Miss Thornley and our teaching assistant is Mrs Heard.
In Year Six we have Forest School on Wednesday. Please come to school in appropriate outdoor clothing and bring wellingtons that can be left at school, or go home at the end of the day. Please ensure that your child brings waterproofs to school as they will be outdoors all afternoon in all weathers.
PE will be on a Monday and children in Year 6 can come to school in their PE Kit. A reminder of appropriate PE kit can be found at: https://brockhamptonprimaryschool.co.uk/school-uniform/
Please ensure your children bring their reading books and reading records into school every day. These will go home each afternoon so that they can practise and record their reading.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at cthornley@brockhamptonschool.org
Read daily or at least five times a week! Please read for at least 10-15 minutes a day in Years Reception,1 ,2, 3, 4 and at least 20 minutes Years 5 and 6. Remember reading little and often is the best way to develop an understanding of vocabulary, comprehension and fluency.
Please remember to bring your spellings/ phonics packs into school each day.
Additional Resources