Welcome to Forest School Nursery. Our Class Teacher is Mrs Cartwright who works Monday to Thursday. Supporting Mrs Cartwright are Early Years Practitioners Miss Disley (Forest School Leader), Mrs Walker and Mrs Hope.
Nursery offers Early Years provision for children from age 2 years through until they start Reception. Our nursery is outdoor focused, making use of our extensive forest school areas and grounds throughout the school.
Here at Brockhampton Forest Nursery, we take part in Forest School everyday. Activities include, campfires, den building and bug hunting to name a few. It is essential that children come dressed appropriately for outdoor learning. All children are provided with waterproof overalls. We also schedule PE sessions and Music, which will take place on alternate days each week to enable all children attending our setting to join in.
Our curriculum we follow is the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. A parent guide explaining the EYFS can be found on the link below.
Forest School will be every Tuesday afternoon. Children can come to school wearing appropriate clothing and should bring a pair of wellingtons. Their boots can either be left in school or taken home at the end of the day. Please remember to send your child to school with a coat if it is a rainy day as they will be outdoors all afternoon.
For any queries, please contact Mrs Cartwright using her email address or by clicking here.